Windows 7 Build 7077 X86截圖賞

2009/4/9 10:36:09    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家 7 Build 7077 X86截圖賞

 盡管直到昨天才泄露,但今天就已經(jīng)有人放出Windows 7 Build 7077的截圖了。注意看右下角的水印,與Beta版很不一樣吧?

Windows 7 build 7077

Windows 7 build 7077

Windows 7 build 7077

Windows 7 build 7077

Windows 7 build 7077

Windows 7 build 7077

Windows 7 build 7077

Windows 7 build 7077

Windows 7 build 7077

Windows 7 build 7077

Windows 7 build 7077

Windows 7 build 7077


With the release candidate (RC) version of Windows 7 looming, Microsoft has released what promises to be one of the last (if not the last) post-Beta version of its next client OS. Windows 7 build 7077 differs just a bit from the previous leaked build 7068.
