企業(yè)用戶應慎重升級到Windows 7

2009/2/24 14:09:34    編輯:Windows7之家 - Mary Jane     字體:【

Win7之家m.airtaxifl.com):企業(yè)用戶應慎重升級到Windows 7


其實不僅時對于個人而言,全球各大企業(yè)同樣也在這樣的形勢下顯得無所適從。而隨著微軟Windws 7的一步步走近,企業(yè)就更加迷惘了,到底是升級到Vista還是再等幾個月直接升級到Windows 7呢?

而事實上,微軟也知道這些以疑問,對于這些問題,雷德蒙軟件巨頭專門發(fā)布了一份向導以指導企業(yè)用戶部署Windows系統(tǒng),甚至于還啟動了名為Windows for youe Bussiness blog以專門發(fā)布這方面的文章 。

微軟建議企業(yè)用戶最好能夠先升級到Vista,然后在升級到Windows 7?赡艽蠹視X得這樣時為了賺錢,但其實微軟的建議不無道理。企業(yè)用戶不同于個人用戶,在升級系統(tǒng)時需要考慮到第三方軟件的兼容性問題。先升級到Vista再升級到WIndows 7可以給軟件廠商足夠的時間完成對Windows 7的支持。

對于一心想要升級到Windows 7的用戶,微軟也建議他們可以跟軟件廠商一起,針對兼容性問題進行大量測試后再決定。




Given the current economic conditions, I'm sure you've had financial discussions with your spouse or significant other that are similar to the ones I've been having lately with my wife. Money is tight, and getting tighter, and I know more than one person who's just happy to have a job at the moment. But there's a problem with blindly just tightening the proverbial belt: Because sometimes, it actually makes sense to spend money to save money. Economists think of this as the difference between "investing" and "spending" or "consuming."